Tuesday, April 4, 2017

The Communication Approaches of Christian Missionaries in the Philippines in Reaching Out to People of Different Cultures


Thesis Title: “Mission Possible!” The Communication Approaches of Christian Missionaries in the Philippines in Reaching Out to People of Different Cultures

Research Approach: Qualitative

Researchers: Marianne R. Alivio
April Ann D. Martin
Kia Marie E. Martinez
Donna Ruth E. Taclan
Edward A. Villalon

Curriculum: Bachelor in Broadcast Communication

Adviser: Prof. Anna Ruby P. Gapasin

The study on the Communication Approaches of Christian Missionaries in the Philippines deals with how Christian missionaries manage to propagate Christianity and proclaim God’s Word to people from various cultures, aptly referred to as mission targets.  It is also another testimony to the importance of communication in building and sustaining relationships, particularly in the Christian missions field.  It aims to determine the demographic characteristics of the participants, to know the communication strategies they employ, to determine the styles they use, and to know the experiences of Christian missionaries in the missions field.

Dance’s Helical Theory and the Social Penetration Theory are featured as they best describe the study, how the message grows and how relationship is built.

This is a qualitative study and the researchers employed the phenomenological inquiry.  The key informants/participants in the study are Christian missionaries from the following: the Roman Catholic Church, the Baptists, the Victory Christian Fellowship, and the Pentecostal Missionary Church of Christ (Fourth Watch).  They are those missionaries assigned inside and outside the country as a representation of all the Christian missionaries in the country.

Having gathered all the data through focus interviews, participant observation and relevant literature, it is ruled out that most Christian missionaries are males in their adult years, mostly also products of missionary work.  There is neither an age standard nor a limit in the number of years that a missionary can spend in serving God.  Education is a common attribute among missionaries – it is deemed necessary, but is not a qualification.  Going to another culture to propagate the faith is characteristic of all missionaries.

Faith forms foundation of the reasons why they mission, with three extractions:  Calling, personal desire to preach what they believe in, and inspiration from other people.

The researchers therefore conclude that Christian missions are a very selfless task.  Missionaries live in uncertainty, far from their families and with their lives put to risk any time because of what they preach, but their security mainly comes from God who they serve, alongside their desire to mission and their compassion for the “lost souls.”

Having come up with the results, the researchers thus recommend that, as Christian missionaries whose most basic tool is his ability to communicate to these people who are their targets, they also try out how they could make use of the fruits of technology – the tri-media (radio, television and print) and new media (Internet) – work for them.  They should initiate in providing their missionaries with the necessary knowledge and training on the uses, advantages as well as disadvantages of tri- and new media usage, and to come up with investments in the aforementioned media forms.  Broadcast Communication students and practitioners are also expected to benefit from this study as per improvement of their own communication approaches and it is further recommended that studies comparing the communication approaches of the Christian missionaries with that of people behind the broadcast media be conducted.

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