Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Implementation of ICT Literacy Program


Title : Implementation of ICT Literacy Program in Bignay National High School Towards Enhanced ICT Utilization
Researcher : Jennielyn Ocon-Martinez
Degree :   Master of Arts in Education major in Educational Management
Adviser :  Marissa B. Feliciano, Ph.D
School :   University of Caloocan City
Year :       March, 2016

This study aims to focus on the status of the ICT literacy program in Bignay National High School towards enhanced ICT utilization. It assessed the extent of the ICT literacy program implemented in Bignay National High School in terms of attainability of the programs or objectives, effectiveness of services, and accessibility of resources. It also pointed out the problems that are encountered by the teachers in the implementation of the ICT program and comes up with the an action plan proposal to improve the School’s ICT Literacy Program toward enhanced ICT utilization.

The study is delimited to the students and teachers involved in the  ICT Literacy Program in Bignay National High School in Valenzuela, a city known for fast and easy transactions with the local government because its offices are ICT-ready.

In gathering data, the researcher used two methods: (1) interview for the administrator and ICT Literacy Program teachers and (2) Survey Questionnaire for the student-respondents.

This study hopes to be beneficial to the evaluation and future planning for ICT and ICT-related Literacy Programs and ICT utilization in Bignay National High School and other schools; to the local government of Valenzuela City, in evaluating how public funds for ICT projects are being allotted; to the Department of Education, in planning ICT Literacy Programs in other public high schools in the country; and as reference for future further studies on the subject of the implementation of ICT Literacy Programs in the country.

After data gathering, the researcher finds out that an ICT Literacy Program is present in Bignay National High School, but it is not yet leaning towards ICT utilization in the school because the program itself is still in dire need of a lot of improvement. The students are interested and are raring for the program, but facilities and equipment are either scarce or outdated, and the teachers are almost always forced to improvise in their lessons. The objective to come up with an ICT Literacy Program towards enhanced ICT utilization is possible and attainable, but for it to be realized, the School must be serious and committed in its objective and invest more in the program, specifically on materials and teacher training.

    Thus said, it can be concuded that the Status of the ICT Literacy Program in Bignay National High School towards Enhanced ICT Utilization is, “Needs Improvement.” Improvement can be hastened if enough funding and study materials will be provided for the ICT literacy program in Bignay National High School, encouraging the local government to pitch in, improve the equipment and facilities by starting with providing computers with a ratio of at least one to three students per computer, and provide ICT teachers with ample training so that in the event when all the materials needed for the ICT literacy program are still being procured, the teacher can still provide learning on how ICT truly works. Meetings and deliberation need to be conducted regarding the action plan for the ICT literacy program in Bignay National High School, taking into consideration the elements in ICT programs that change at a certain pace, such as software and computer models. Those who are planning for the ICT program in Bignay National High School should decide which models can outlast the changing trends in information and communication technology for the program itself to be cost-effective.

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