Saturday, July 9, 2016

Happy Teacher :)

The role of a public school teacher is not simple as what others think about it. There are needs that the teacher should be knowledgeable, flexible, updated, disciplined, a parent, sincere and heartfelt, and many others.

In the midst of my lesson, I asked my students in Grade 7 to read his notes about the current news. I took around the four corners of the room when suddenly one of my students read his notes differently. He read differently from what was written on his notes so I tried to ask him to read it again with my eyes on his notes. I noticed that instead of reading it, He tried to say something out of what was written. I commanded him to read slowly while letting myself to correct syllables by syllables he read. So I concluded that he is not yet ready to compete in reading as what his colleagues can do. I simply put notes on his notebook addressed to his parent: "Please help and guide your son on reading." I told him to start practice reading with himself and then I will help and guide him every meeting we have in school. Although it is tiring and out of my service, I still have to do for his sake and help him to cope with the existing trends.

Yes, it is a good thing that he is only one again out of many students I handle today but yet it is alarming why he received his diploma in elementary school with reading and writing problems? He has difficulties even in consonants and vowels using his mother tongue. So what could be the consequences? could he meet the desire outcome of the institution if he can't even write a simple sentence? How he would grow if the basic knowledge he should obtain in his elementary school didn't meet? It is not a surprise to me to meet this kind of student today because I always observe different learning difficulties in many elementary graduates  since I handle the grade 7 students.

There should have a review in the curriculum in the country, its learning materials, policies, and even the style of teaching. Somehow some orders, memos or even the programs made by the Department of Education are not fit or even address the total needs and demands of the stakeholders. Think about it?!?