Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Teachers Welcome Palace Pronouncement of Pay Increase

Teachers welcome Malacanang pronouncement yesterday that the president is planning to double their entry-level salary.

"We welcome this statement from Malacanang and we hope that the president will use his influence and power to make this statement a reality." Said Benjo Basas, National Chairperson of the Teachers' Dignity Coalition (TDC).

According to the group, teachers are waiting for this since President Duterte assumed office in 2016, with increase in salary of teachers among his promises.

"Recognizing the intricacies of governance, our teachers patiently waited for the promised enhancement of our salaries and benefits, while obviously, our brothers and sisters in the uniformed service were given priority." Basas addded referring to the salary increase for military and police that took effect this January.

The TDC has been pushing for the enactment of the bill that would grant P10, 000 across-the-board increase in salaries of governmet teachers, among other benefits.

"For the longest time, our calls for a just compensation and treatment commensurate to our role in society have been neglected by the previous administrations. We hope that this time, things would really change." Basas lamented.

TDC in the recent past has staged series of protest actions and artistic expressions to dramatize the socio-economic situation of teachers aimed to pressure the government to heed their calls for higher salaries.

"We are open to discussions if the president finds it necessary. We hope that Madam Liling Briones, our secretary will help us in this endeavor." Basas ended.# January 10, 2018

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